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John Sinclair

The hardest working poet in the industry

If I Could Be With You
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# Article Title Hits
1 If I Could Be With You 2684
2 LUYAH! The Glorious Step 2472
3 Spectrum 2143
4 Steps 2320
5 [10] "rhythm-a-ning" 1882
6 "round about midnight" 1883
7 [08] "bloomdido" 1939
8 [06] "double dealing" > "when will the blues leave" 1889
9 [05] "steps" > "Spectrum" > "LUYAH! The Glorious Step" 2039
10 [07] "If I Could Be With You" 2076
11 [04] "friday the 13th" 2039
12 [03] "in walked bud" 2118
13 [02] "spiritual" > "consequences" 2081
14 [01] "the Screamers" 2008