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John Sinclair

The hardest working poet in the industry

[02] "spiritual" > "consequences" E-mail
If I Could Be With You
Sunday, 15 January 2006 09:37
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for linda jones

what is jazz, but spirituals
played thru saxophones
& trombones,

spirit voices
thru metal tubings
& the terrible repetition

of the formal premise, viz.
at its best, or boring

when the spirit doth not move,
oh what is blues
but spirituals with a line

that is structurally,
& in content just a prayer

to the gods of daily life,
to ask the blessing
that the body of another

may lay warm in the bed
beside you at night, and the rent
be paid, and a meal

on the table, with the sheriff
far away
from the scene of the crime -- oh

what is jazz but the registration
of the human personality
in relation to the spiritual,

stripped of literal meaning
but full of sound & portent,
direct as the voice of the gods

september 15, 1985


The music moves inside my self,
I mean I feel saxophones in-
side my meat, a force in-
spiring that meat
to sing pure electricity. Flashes. Scream,

Move out from the wall
of your self. Out from there,
Now, or you stay there. What you thought
that man was screaming, that he wanted
to get inside you. You,  again, like some stupid
broken record.

The music moves inside,
& stays there. A part of what you are. & NOT
from.  But the song of meat energy
burning to come through you. In charge. & that energy
makes its way. Yes, shapes it, & is in charge. In,
goddamnit, IN the meat,
and of it. Yes,

yes, yes. A
firming it. And where you can go
to find that one place, I mean
it is the meat. And the song
that moves that self,
& shapes it, ah, ah,

well yes it does

december 20, 1966
