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John Sinclair

The hardest working poet in the industry

Spectrum E-mail
If I Could Be With You
Thursday, 09 February 2006 11:32
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for Andrew Hill

The whole range, of possibility. The colors
that fill up our lives, make them
of useful substance, to ourselves & to each
other that we do
take in. Paint your self

red. Paint it blue. Make it
that much of the colors
of everything you see. Do. Come to
feel, what is at the heart of

every one of us
on this earth. Color it
brown then, as the earth is brown, as it is
so much of what we are.

Make it
green too, &
go like that. Yellow,
for caution. & red will not
stop us, from doing just what
we know we must do. A

measure then, no law but of the
eye, & ear, the sense
that we can make of it. The spectrum,

of human activity. The colors,
of movement, so fast & straight
that we can only feel it

February 23, 1966/
New Orleans
January 1994
