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John Sinclair

The hardest working poet in the industry

Steps E-mail
If I Could Be With You
Thursday, 09 February 2006 11:31
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for cecil taylor

we stood in our boots & screamed
that it had to be so. that whole philosophies
were the words of saxophones. that is
that these people were literally speaking, & what they sd
was what we needed them to say. that the world

is truly a different place
than we could ever make it. & wanted a purity,
lacked it, & stupidly
would have invented it. would not face the planet
as it would face us. why

should it. or better yet, open it out & sing,
"we wanted to help you, impose our europeanisms
all over your meat. we didn't know any better. will you
please forgive us." & no answer floats back, as if
there were no question.

there is no question.
there are no answers. everything
is out in the open. all these wild musicians
who would have made us fools, if they had the time. or
the inclination. i mean

they pointed straight ahead,
& point now, for us to follow them. with our tongues
dumb in our heads. just listen to it,
is what they said,
just be the music

& it'll all
be all right. just to be the music,
is the only thing we need. the music,
& the world
it would make of us

february 1, 1968/
new orleans
december 22, 1993/october 19, 1995
