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John Sinclair

The hardest working poet in the industry

LUYAH! The Glorious Step E-mail
If I Could Be With You
Thursday, 09 February 2006 11:33
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"LUYAH! The Glorious Step"

is from where you are now
to where you are now, the whole thing moves
just that quick


Every step counts, that's what makes it
(makes the whole thing) so
glorious. That you can

keep on stepping, para-
taxis, one step
at a time--& again,

that you never "get there," or
anywhere, except as you stay on
top of it, as it keeps moving a

head, a hand a foot a
step at a time, to make the
proper con-

nexions, know where you're headed &
how to
get there, that

you can find out for your
self, as
any of us have

a step at a time


Just to get that close to the
quick of it, that far in
that close to the pulse

of your own workings, & ride it
straight on out, head
first--the precision

of the movement, that you can re-
cord it as it moves, step
by step, that close, the rock &

roll of it, the beat
of your heart makes its own de-
sign on you, marks

time, your own
rhythm, you
state it in your stride, ex-

tend it in your line
feel it
& ride


& the dance we know of is finally
of the body, that quick
source of it, co-

ordinate, that all the parts are
functioning, as they must, is the
harmony, rhythm, the tone

of the skin & be-
neath it, muscles, com-
ponents of this now breathing

living thing you are, & the music
you would make of yourself. the song
of the dance of the

body, organic
form, take it exactly
where it leads you--

by glorious step

February 12, 1966
Music by Cecil Taylor
