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John Sinclair

The hardest working poet in the industry

It's All Good (Radio Mix) E-mail
It's All Good
Tuesday, 14 January 2003 11:56
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It's All Good
(Radio Mix)

for Michael Veling & the 420 Café

[Hey William!
Lemme have one of them reefers]

When you go to the Cannabis Cup
in Amsterdam
they got people coming there
from all over the world
to check out the finest marijuana
grown by the seed companies of Holland

for us to smoke
& get high
& enjoy the wonderful atmosphere
of a society
where people just don't care
if you wanna get high--

that's just fine,
c'mon over here to the Cannabis Café deKuil
& order up whatever kind of weed
or hash you might wanna smoke
because it's all good--

It's All Good
It's All Good
It's All Good
It's All Good

And by the end of the week
they gonna pick the finest marijuana
that's been submitted
for the testing
of the exalted panel of judges
here at the Cannabis Cup

& guess what? While we're smoking
all those different kinds of weed
& trying to figure out
which one is gonna win the Cup,
every different brand we try
is gonna be the BOMB
because it's all good--

It's All Good
It's All Good
It's All Good
It's All Good

So we gonna forget about America
& enjoy ourselves here
at the Cannabis Cup
all week long

& on Thanksgiving Day
when they announce
who grew the best pot
for us to smoke
& get high on

Let's give thanks
for every strain of weed
that's made its way here to us--

With special appreciation
for all the growers of marijuana
all over the world

& our intrepid comrades
who risk life & limb to supply us
with the substances we require

& all the warriors doing time
in the vast penitentiaries of America
as prisoners
of the War on Drugs--

We salute you all
& thank you once again
for all the good you have done

because it's all good--

It's All Good
It's All Good
It's All Good
It's All Good
It's All Good
It's All Good

New Orleans
November 8-15, 1998/
November 2002/
May 29, 2003