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John Sinclair

The hardest working poet in the industry

[109] "don't blame me" E-mail
Always Know
Saturday, 14 January 2006 10:45
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don't blame me

for linda jones

something you got
lives so deep inside you

where there are wounds
which have not yet healed,

something so tender
& soft, yet stronger

than the pain
which surrounds it,

so warm & com-

passionate, that glows
in your eyes

& your gorgeous smile,
when you are willing

to let it
come through,

something that glows
remains alive inside & willing

to go through the risk
again, the near occasion of pain

as the cost of feeling
& the likelihood of suffering

as a condition
of letting yourself go--

something you got

just below the cool surface
& all your brave attempts

to suppress it
in the name of safety

& calm, you can't understand
why a man would want to mis-

treat you so badly
& you're right,

there is no reason,
you know there's nothing

wrong with you
except your gigantic heart,

the way you care for people,
the warmth you feel inside

& extend to others
as a joyful act, to give them

something you got
just because you want to, pure

& simple, but with all
the intelligence in the world

& the soulfulness
& immensity of feeling

that is you,
woman, you got it all,

are you reading me,
& if i want some of that

something you got, please
sweetheart, don't blame me

greektown, detroit
october 17 & 30, 1987
