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John Sinclair

The hardest working poet in the industry

[119] "that old man" E-mail
Always Know
Thursday, 29 December 2005 10:08
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"that old man"

for penny

robert lowell said,
"living without you
is like learning to walk"

but twice now i've had
to learn to walk, & living
without you in my life

is a much harder proposition,
more difficult indeed
than simply growing old alone,

but how old
can a man get
who has already lived twice

as long as he ever in-
tended, every day
is a whole new thing

never before contemplated
or even imagined
but a gift

from the gods
who administer our sentences
with their twisted sense of humor

& when the beatles
asked the question
so long ago, will you still

need me, will you
still feed me
when i'm sixty-four?

the answer
is not at all the one
i had expected, of course,

but i'll keep on living
as long as i can
& make the most of it

as best as i am able, a-
wash in the love of my daughters
& my incredible granddaughter

& my treasured friends
& countless co-conspirators
wherever i go--

that old man,
still alive & kicking
with both feet

september 28/
october 2, 2005
