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John Sinclair

The hardest working poet in the industry

[91] "monk in orbit" E-mail
Always Know
Thursday, 29 December 2005 09:58
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monk in orbit 

for allen ginsberg

they say one night
in the early sixties

after tim leary
turned him on to LSD

allen ginsberg went up
to monk's place in the west 60 s

to introduce the great master
to the wonders of modern chemistry

& left monk with a dose
of the excellent product

of the sandoz labritories
all the way from switzerland--

& when he went back
to check up on thelonious

monk opened the door
as far as the chain would allow,

peered out at ginsberg,
& asked with a slight frown:

man, have you got any
more of this stuff? so far

it don t seem to be makin  too
much of a difference to me.... 

greektown, detroit
september 17, 1987/

alvin's detroit bar
april 11, 1991
