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John Sinclair

The hardest working poet in the industry

[70] "shuffle boil" E-mail
Always Know
Thursday, 29 December 2005 07:09
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shuffle boil 

for penny

was the condition
of our coupling,
baby, such intensity

in the bed, & for so long
the terrible difficulty
to stay on speaking
terms, from one day

to the next, one little blow
up after another, & somebody's always ready
to walk out that door
& never come back, shuffle

boil, & then return
some many months later
because life wasn't the same
when we were apart--

but now we can speak with our hearts
all at once, to accept each other
now & for all time, my woman
your man,

soul mates
in love with each other,
at peace in our home

new york city
april 3, 1986/
january 28, 1987/july 17/august 3, 1988/

new orleans
august 4, 2001

[to be completed]
