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John Sinclair

The hardest working poet in the industry

[67] "it don"t mean a thing" E-mail
Always Know
Thursday, 29 December 2005 07:07
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"it don't mean a thing (if it ain't got that swing)"
(monk plays ellington)

for the great edward kennedy ellington

for his first
of 13 albums
for riverside records, monk

was moved
to record an infinite
8 works by duke

programmed for release
on lp 201
in such appropriate order

to make sense
as duke did,
out of the overwhelming experience

of africans in america
& all that they en-
countered here, to wit:

"it don't mean a thing
if it ain't got that swing,"
"sophisticated lady,"

"i got it bad
& that ain't good,"
"black & tan fantasy,"

"mood indigo,"
"i let a song go
out of my heart,"

& a little travelling music,

to be leaving this shit
headed straight for outer space

march 16, 1985
