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John Sinclair

The hardest working poet in the industry

[49] "let's call this" E-mail
Always Know
Wednesday, 28 December 2005 11:52
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"let's call this"

for jayne cortez

baseball, poetry, &
rhythm & blues 
& all three

in one most
glorious day,
april 15, 1982 

let's call this
opening day,
like the sky

opened up & grinned
all over detroit
& at the shrine

of truth & beauty
at michigan & trumbull
even the tigers came thru

4 to 2
over toronto
& at the detroit

institute of arts
jayne cortez
made the scene

with her crazy
making machine

& to top it off,
making his first
detroit appearance

in recorded memory,
the pride
of orange, texas,

ladies &
gentlemen, that mighty
man of music, mister


so let's call this a
day then, & please

please, please,
i'm down on my knees
begging for more 

80 more
home games to go, &
let the hits just

keep on coming
day after day
for the rest of the year!

april 17, 1982
