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John Sinclair

The hardest working poet in the industry

[45] "trinkle, tinkle" E-mail
Always Know
Wednesday, 28 December 2005 11:50
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trinkle, tinkle 

for budd Johnson

i mean,  sez budd johnson,
they wasn't calling it
bebop then. even monk
couldn't explain it,

but dizzy could,
& he could develop. but now,
i do remember this about monk:
monk's feelings got hurt

because dizzy & charlie
was getting all of the credit
for this music,
this style 

i used to go
over to monk's house with him,
drink some wine with him. come on,
i want you to hear

what i'm doing,  he said, i'm gonna let them
take that style, & go a-
head, & i'm gonna get
a new style. 

i used to go
over to monk's
& sit down & drink. his mother
would fix some food for us,

& he would just play for me,
all this funny-type music
that he was playing. & he had gone
altogether different

from what he had been doing. i said,
hey man....
that's outtasight! what're you doing,
whaddayou call that? 

i don't know man, it's just &
you know?  he couldn't
explain it to me. & i never
thought of monk

as a great piano player, but he
would fumble on that piano
& get these things out
& made all the dissonant

& major seconds,
& minor seconds. & i said
hey, man,

that's outtasight.  well,
i m going on now
with my new music, 
he said. & he did.

he did go
right on along
with his new

harmonie park, detroit
july 11, 1988/
august 6, 2003

reference: dizzy gillespie
with al fraser,

to be, or bop
(doubleday, 1979), p. 219
