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John Sinclair

The hardest working poet in the industry

[17] "evidence" E-mail
Always Know
Monday, 26 December 2005 07:34
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for penny

if it were just
you, just me,
or as monk would
have it,

would be served
but our sentence
is not that short

& our courtship s
been so long oh,
if it were just
the two of us, to start

a new life
together, but let the record
the evidence

is piled up
all over town 
my older daughter
living here with me,

my younger
with her mother,
your older daughter
over with your mother

& the little one
holed up with you a chord
structure under-
pinning whatever melody

or song we can make of it 
not just us,
baby, but the fine
fine thing we all are together

june 24, 1982
