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John Sinclair

The hardest working poet in the industry

[15] "all the things you are" E-mail
Always Know
Monday, 26 December 2005 07:33
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all the things you are 

for don sickler

on this bright day
in 1948, as the sun
set over manhattan

& the recording ban
continued to eclipse the music
of one of the most fertile years

in the history of afro-america,
alfred lion took monk
& my man kenny pancho  hagood

& milt jackson,
both out of the dizzy gillespie orchestra
& detroit northwestern high school,

& john simmons & shadow
wilson, for rhythm
into harry smith's apex studios

for an outlaw date, to begin with
another slap in the face
of the corpse of jerome kern

whose widow had barred the release
of dizzy's magnificent works
incorporating the lightweight themes of kern 

mrs. k contended her
hubby's legacy had been defiled
by the glorious improvising of diz

on his tunes, which had after all been written
for some ridiculous oscar
hammerstein entertainment so monk

& bags & pancho, in an in-
effable mood, stretched out jerome's bones
over an open fire

& toasted the dead tunesmith
once more over easy
& left him for the dogs of time

to chew up
& spit out
at their infinite leisure

maximus & co.,
birmingham, michigan
july 2, 1985
