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John Sinclair

The hardest working poet in the industry

[16] My Buddy E-mail
No Money Down
Saturday, 14 January 2006 19:49
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My Buddy

for Henry Normile

Marcus Belgrave
standing outside the church
in that tan trench coat,

snowflakes dropping softly
into the up-turned bell
of his golden horn,

sending up some beautiful music
into the celestial ears
of our beloved pal,

literally blasted away
just days ago
by shotgun shells

through the neck, but now
surely resting his weary ass
on a cloudly bed

full of gorgeous angels
busily ministering to his every need
according to his personal creed:

pussy, & lobster--
in that order."

O Henry, you fucking candy bar
of a man,
you sweet motherfucker,

I can see the big grin
that lights up your angelic face,
digging the lovely sounds of Marcus--

now as always, in Heaven
as it was on Earth,
forever & ever, Amen--

my man, A-

Snug Harbor
Frenchmens Street, New Orleans
September 13, 1995

French Quarters
New Orleans
September 15, 1995

after Dr. John,
"My Buddy", on
In a Sentimental Mood
