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John Sinclair

The hardest working poet in the industry

[10] Ain't Nobody's Bizness E-mail
No Money Down
Saturday, 14 January 2006 19:40
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Ain't Nobody's Bizness

for Henry Normile, Bradley Jones & Bob Righteous  Rudnick

We have a right to our bad habits
& if we want to blow our minds
or fuck up our lives, shoot dope
or smoke cocaine,

if we want to eat too much meat,
sit around all day & watch TV,
stay up all night listening to music
by Charlie Parker & Screamin  Jay Hawkins,

if we want to walk around naked,
fuck our eyes out,
eat some pussy or suck a cock,
take it up the ass, get our nuts off

700 times a day,
lay around & drink whiskey,
bet on games, shoot dice,
sell some pussy on the street,

if we want to gamble in casinos
or spend our money in a whorehouse,
give the President a blow job
in his big chair in the White House,

walk around the streets
with all our belongings in little bags,
sleep in doorways,
piss in the gutter,

if we want to sleep away the day
& never answer the telephone,
take every meal in restaurants & bars
& never exercise,

& if it comes to the end
of the line for us, we have every right
to blow our motherfucking brains out
or jump off the bridge

or take ourselves away from here
any way we might want to, then baby please,
we got a right to our bad habits
& it ain't nobody bizness if we do

Harmonie Park, Detroit
August 6 & 10, 1988/
New Orleans
August 1998
