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John Sinclair

The hardest working poet in the industry

[07] 'Scuze Me While I Kiss the Sky E-mail
No Money Down
Saturday, 14 January 2006 19:39
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'Scuze Me While I Kiss The Sky

for Ross Firestone

Up from the skies
over Seattle
like a Boeing jet
out of Mississippi,

guitar blazing fire
out of Elmore James
& Muddy Waters, Chuck Berry
& Little Richard,

taking stage after stage
back & forth across the country,
laying it down for the Queen
of Rock & Roll,

then it's Jimmy James & his Jammers
at the Cafe Wha
in New York City,
Greenwich Village stylee,

guitar paratrooper
dropping from the skies over America
with the bomb
in his front pocket

& Miles Davis
on the phone, Gil Evans
& taking notes,

Every guitar player
in England & America
tuned in to his frequencies
for everything they're worth--

Jimi Hendrix, baby,
blowing up the music
into something as vast
as the inside of his head,

fitting the music
around his pounding heart
& the explosions going off
inside his nerve endings,

the colors on the wall,
on his back & in-
side his cranium, the colors
of all colors,
v colors of rhythm,
colors of blues,
colors of guitar string
& Marshall amplifiers

stacked up high
over his head,
colors of explosions
& bombs bursting in air,

Jimi changed the music
forever, in so
many different ways,
he changed the music

like it's never been changed
in all the years since, he took the colors
of everything in life
& put them right in the music

where they belong
& made it sing colors
without end, kissing the sky
again & again & again

Ursulines Street
New Orleans
February 17, 1994/ January 14, 2006
