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John Sinclair

The hardest working poet in the industry

[03] When Will the Blues Leave E-mail
No Money Down
Saturday, 14 January 2006 19:37
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When Will the Blues Leave

for penny

the words to a million songs
dance in my head
but my bed is empty
& you're somewhere else

without me, a song
without a singer, a long way off
like six blocks is for-

ever, baby, why can't
we, why don't we
cut this space
out of our lives, like

charlie parker with strings
is such a perfect
blend, ornette & don
cherry, miles & trane,

i can't get you
out of my fucking brain, oh
baby you can move me
in with you, or we can go some

other place, it don't
matter where, but be with me,
baby, & the blues will leave
the two of us, just as quick as that

june 3, 1982
after ornette coleman
