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John Sinclair

The hardest working poet in the industry

[20] "i'll follow you" E-mail
I Mean You
Sunday, 18 December 2005 00:35
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"i'll follow you"

for penny

i've spent more
than a quarter of a century
with you em-
bedded at the center
of my life, & i'm still

just as crazy
about you as i've
always been, even though
we've been a-
part these two

& a half years, & you
may never join me
in the life i'm seeking
on the other side
of the atlantic ocean, but now

i'm right here
in the motor city
& you don't want to see me,
i guess i thought
you would never leave me be-

hind, but how wrong
can a motherfucker be,
& now it would seem
that you ve started
a new life for yourself

without me in it,
& i wouldn't blame you,
to find another man
who can be there for you
when you need him, & help you

with your troubles,
& hold you
through the cold detroit nights
& bring you the semblance of happiness
i know you deserve -- oh,

if i've lost you
i ve lost the love
of my life, heart
of my heart, lover
of my wildest dreams,

forgiver of my trespasses,
faithful wife & companion
& partner in crime
as long as you could stand it,
you've followed me so long

against all possible odds
& i can feel you turning a-
way from me
although not a word
has been spoken

but if you don't want me
i won't stand in your way,
if i can't make it be right
& there's no happy ending
to our protracted romance

i wish you the best,
my baby,
all the best of everything
i wish i could give you
for the rest of your life

august 20/30-31, 2005/
october 10, 2005
