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John Sinclair

The hardest working poet in the industry

[05] "reflections" E-mail
I Mean You
Sunday, 18 December 2005 00:25
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for penny

many ladies
there have been
in my life

who have graced me
with their charms
& held me so

for so long
as warmth remained

but only three
have shared the burden
of my daily ways 

my first love lasted
thirteen long years
thru all sorts of hell

until things got better
& then she was gone,
my dear wife & the mother

of my two lovely daughters.
my second love i wed
in common law

in 1979, & in 81
& in 82, & again in 84 
four times around & now

it's the two of us to stay.
my third love lasted
no more than a year

& then she threw me out. so
like they say, you win some
& you lose some

& if fate is good to you, some
good woman will take you in
& love you as long as she can

january 14, 1985
