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John Sinclair

The hardest working poet in the industry

[12] Some of These Days E-mail
Full Circle
Sunday, 18 December 2005 09:51
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Some Of These Days 

for Jimbo Mathus

Roebuck Staples
of the Staples Singers
grew up in the Delta
playing the guitar. He says:

I was raised
on the Will Dockery place
from the time I was 8
till I got to be 20 years old.

Charley Patton
stayed on what we called
the lower Dockery place,
& we stayed on the upper Dockery.

He was one of my great persons
that inspired me
to try to play guitar.
He was really a great man.

At first, I was too small
to go hear him
on Saturday night,
but on Saturday afternoons

everybody would go into town
& those fellows like Charley Patton,
Robert Johnson & Howlin' Wolf
would be playin  on the streets,

standin  by the railroad tracks,
people pitchin  em
nickels & dimes,
white & black people both. The train

came through town
maybe once that afternoon,
& when it was time,
everybody would gather around

just to see that train pull up.
They d play around there,
before & after the train came,
& announce where they d

be that night. And that's where
the crowd would go.
They d have a plank
nailed across the door

to the kitchen
& be sellin  fish & chitlin s,
with dancin  in the front room,
gamblin  in the side room, & maybe

two or three gas or coal-oil lamps
on the mantlepiece
in front of the mirror 
powerful light. It was

different people's houses,
no clubs or nothin . And I
grew up to play. 

March 22, 1982/
New Orleans
May 27, 1997
