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John Sinclair

The hardest working poet in the industry

some other blues E-mail
Song Of Praise
Thursday, 09 February 2006 12:00
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some other blues 

for jim semark

what do i have
to do, spell
it all
out for you? let my

poems be a
graph of me,  & with
the poems, what other
actions (gestures) i make.

it starts out like
now's the time  &
turns into  whatever you
make it. if you can t make

yr own way, what
ever can i tell you.
who are you. where did you
come from, to get

this way. or
this far. how did you
ever make it. (& if you can t
make these changes,

make yr own. & if these ain t
yr blues, try something
else.  this is the change
of the century. (dig it

