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John Sinclair

The hardest working poet in the industry

[16] sing the song E-mail
Song Of Praise
Saturday, 24 December 2005 09:14
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"sing the song"

sing the song a-
gain, we are gaining on it,
looks like every day now
the sun will shine a-

gain, the seasons
change, the seed with-
in the woman
swells & grows to

live within us all,
the seed within our earth
is the seed of all life,
all song is in the air,

the seasons change again,
the song will change,
our lives will change,
the changes will move us

as the music moves us, we
raise our lives to the sun
& sing of it, sing change, sing
the new year in,

it is ours

december 16, 1967

music by john Coltrane
