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John Sinclair

The hardest working poet in the industry

[13] Song of Praise E-mail
Song Of Praise
Saturday, 24 December 2005 09:00
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Song of Praise 

Sing the song then, let it sound
through the land. The song that now
keeps us alive, when the other noise

is there to kill us, to deaden our ears
to the song of our selves that
these musicians sing. Let the force of it

make its way into our hearts
in the last days of this era,
this error less human men have made

of our time. The time is now, that we can make
a true song of our selves, a music that will
open all of our I's to each

other. Let such a man as
Jimmy Garrison be your base, you can
build on a music strong as his

& make your time as free as
Elvin s, your touch as McCoy s, your song as
pure as Trane s, sing a song

as strong as theirs, a song of praise
for all the humans on earth, & for the love
of all of our selves 

a song to lead us on
in this cold december
of a long & murderous year

December 6, 1965/
New Orleans
December 4, 1995
