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John Sinclair

The hardest working poet in the industry

[12] The John Coltrane Quartet Plays E-mail
Song Of Praise
Saturday, 24 December 2005 08:51
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The John Coltrane Quartet Plays
(Impulse A-86)

John Coltrane, tenor & soprano saxophones; McCoy Tyner, piano; Jimmy Garrison, bass; Elvin Jones, drums: Chim Chim Cheree ; Song of Praise ; Nature Boy ; Brazilia . Add Art Davis, bass, on Nature Boy .

It seems to me that there shouldn t need to be much said about John Coltrane's music anymore: a new record's released, Impulse puts its ad in downbeat, & then everybody just goes out to the store & brings the record back home & listens to it.

It should be as simple as that. Like, anyone with ears knows (or at least, should know) what John's been doing all these years, what a tremendous & singular beauty he's been creating, & how this beauty increases daily.

But folks are so obtuse that literally thousands & thousands of words still have to be written about  John's music, & still huge confusion & misunderstanding exist as to these men's motives, needs, & actual music. Which fact speaks clearer than anything else even more clearly than say, the music itself of the jungle of chaos this world we live  in has become. When even the most benevolent & illuminating voices out here are taken for something other than what they in fact are words of love, sounds of beauty.

I write out of need it's that simple I write because I need to write, on whatever level, as, it makes living in this world possible. John Coltrane's music likewise comes out of that need, & likewise makes a life possible, for him, as maker, as well as for me, listening, here, wherever I am.

John Coltrane's music suggests possibilities of feeling, emotion, thought of life finally that we all of us can make use of & should. Any other use of his music is specious.

Coltrane's total commitment to himself & his art his music of which we have the most concrete evidence imaginable, i.e. his recordings & his nightly work before audiences everywhere is one of the most valuable (i.e., useful) tools we have.

John Coltrane can do this for us :

teach us to stand
up right
in the face of the most devas-
taing insensi-
tivity. can touch us
where the hand or mouth or
can t go. can see. can be
a man. make a love
from centuries of unplumbed music
& a common metal tool
anyone can misuse.

The tool John Coltrane has made of his music is as accessible to us as our selves are. As, say, Chim Chim Cheree  is, which serves like Archie Shepp's Girl From Ipanema  as a valuable lesson in the use of whatever materials exist, in whatever form, for one's own purposes. Or, as Walt Disney made the song available, as music  for one of his obscene films, John Coltrane found it & made actual living music out of it. As we all can, from whatever silly objects we find in front of us, in this world.

Nature Boy  too, had already found an existence for itself in this world, & made itself useful to us before as a thing of rather simple beauty, e.g., in Nat Cole's & Miles Davis's songs of it. Once there was a boy / a very strange en-/ chanted boy,  etc. Then John Coltrane

took this boy, be-
came this boy, &


into the actual jungle
of that boy's nature 

Hear Art Davis & Jimmy Garrison in-
vent this nature, this
jungle, make it real, as
Elvin & McCoy do, as

Trane does, as he ex-
plores it, the jungle of e-
motion, feeling, judge-

ments,  the
mind of this boy, his
nature, that of

all of us

Nature Boy  is some of the most amazing music this group has ever made. Brazilia  & Song of Praise  too. & let me here just advertise Jimmy Garrison's bass work on the latter he plays there, as he does so much now, as if on a guitar, his instrument is that accessible to him. As his mind is. As our selves are.

Enough. But let me just say that if you know & love John Coltrane's music as I do, this latest recording will come as no surprise, & you will take it to heart straight to heart as I have. If you don t know John Coltrane's music, you can start here, or anywhere. If you don t love John Coltrane's music, then,

ever can i tell you.
who are you. where did you
come from, to get

this way. or
this far. how did you
ever make it.

September 1965
