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John Sinclair

The hardest working poet in the industry

[00] "fly right" dedication E-mail
Fly Right
Friday, 23 December 2005 10:46
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for steve gebhardt,
ron esposito,
& ed moss 
who made it happen

for my mother, elsie sinclair,
frank & peggy bach,
& detroit's own vw frank 
who helped keep me together

& for my wife penny
who is my constant inspiration
in all earthly matters 
with all my love

bop began with jazz....
first everyone looked around,
then it happened.

bop happened.
the bird flew in.
minds went in. 

jack kerouac

is the guy
who started it all.

he came before both
& gillespie. 

art blakey

he who controls rhythm

charles olson
