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John Sinclair

The hardest working poet in the industry

[29] Rollin' Stone E-mail
Fattening Frogs For Snakes
Wednesday, 28 December 2005 10:53
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Rollin' Stone

for Black Mike Henderson

Well, my mother
told my father
just before I was born:

I got a boychild comin',
gonna be a,
he gonna be a rollin' stone

--Muddy Waters

"I rambled all the time,"
Muddy Waters says,
"& that's why I made that song
'Rollin' Stone.' I was

just like that, like a
rolling stone. But I didn't ramble
that far. I remember
when Robert Nighthawk came through

in the late '30s & said
he was goin' to Chicago
& make a record--
I thought he was just jivin'. He says,

'You come along. You might
get on with me. We'll do a record.'
I thought, 'Oh, man,
this cat ain't goin' to Chicago.'

I thought goin' to Chicago
was like goin'
out of the world.
Finally he split,

& the next time I heard,
he had a record out. But you know,
I was in love
with my grandmother.

She was gettin' old,
& I didn't want to
push out
& leave her."

March 26, 1982/
New Orleans
December 12, 1995
