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John Sinclair

The hardest working poet in the industry

[04] We Just Change the Beat E-mail
Fattening Frogs For Snakes
Saturday, 24 December 2005 12:16
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We Just Change The Beat 

for Johnny Evans & Martin Gross

You know, 
Willie Dixon says,
when you go to changin  beats
in music,
you change the whole style.

The difference in blues
or rock & roll
or jazz
is the beat. The beat
actually changes the whole

style.  The beat actually
the whole en-
tire style. Where you

put that beat, be
or you ll change the whole
change the whole
change the whole entire

when you go
to changin  beats you know
you can
you can go to changin 

you can change the whole style


Now Frank Frost
of Lula, Mississippi
puts it like this. He says:
In other words,

we taking the down blues
& bring it up tempo.
I don t know what
you would call it.

Just take the cotton-picking blues,
I would say,
& bring it up to modern music
today. I guess that still be blues.

The onliest difference
between the cotton-picking blues
& what we doing today
is the tempo. . . . Let me see

if I can give you something
to remind you
of back in those days  
[& he plays a few notes]

Now that's just the old,
original way, you know.
That's just the cotton-picking blues

that way. Then we change up
just the tempo
& the beat. That's the dance tempo
you hear now. Just something

they can dance to
these days. That's the same blues.
We just change the beat.
It's no different. 

March 21, 1982/
New Orleans
December 7, 1995/March 5, 1998
