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John Sinclair

The hardest working poet in the industry

[13] (Just one way to say) I Love You E-mail
Criss Cross
Saturday, 03 December 2005 10:19
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(just one way to say) i love you 

for penny, on our wedding day

you thought this day
would never come,
that we would stand up here
in front of our friends

as husband & wife, ex-
changing vows of fidelity
& connubial bliss, under the cover
of law, & the church

of universal life,
the blessing
that all four
of our daughters could join us

on this first day
of a bright new year,
blue skies & the promise
that what we start right

here, right now will last
even longer than the time
it's taken us to get here, in the 10th
year of our struggle

to make it to the altar,
there's just the one way left
to say i love you
& baby, oh baby, i do!

harmonie park
january 1, 1989